Crop Circle Farms, Changing The Shape Of Agriculture

Patented and trademarked in over 40 countries, Crop Circles® is a minimum resource use, high-yield, climate adaptable technology set to disrupt global agriculture. Crop Circles® use less water, less land and grow more food in less time in any climate, anywhere!

About Crop Circle Farms

Crop Circle Farms ® was created to address three important issues facing the world today: high-yield food production, water conservation and food security.

Agriculture uses 70% of the world’s fresh water and wastes half of it. If we don’t change the way we grow food more than a third the water used for agriculture will be gone by 2040 plunging the world into a perpetual food crisis where food shortages, poverty and starvation will be the new normal.

For many nations, finding solutions to food security problems has become a number one priority. Island Nations in particular, face enormous challenges due to their overweight dependence on foreign food imports. The world’s growing refugee camps face the biggest food security problem on the planet with well over 100 million people dependent on food grown and shipped in from elsewhere.

Crop Circle Food Production

New methods of food production must be developed and quickly adopted to have any hope of avoiding a global catastrophe of biblical proportions.

Crop Circle Farms has developed technologies that address these issues head on; and we have done this at scale. Crop Circle Farms can grow food on just about any landscape including sloping hillsides and elevated rooftops.

Controlled Agriculture

Maximizing plant yield using less resources is the key to controlled agriculture. Controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) is a technology-based approach toward food production. The aim of CEA is to provide protection and maintain optimal growing conditions throughout the development of the crop. Production takes place within a closed system that optimizes the use of resources such as water, energy, space, capital, and labor.

Low cost, low water use, and zero import fertilizer use are just some of the reasons that Crop Circle Farms may be the best CEA approach to addressing food production in the future, particularly in a world were half the population is dealing with some level of food crisis.

farm crop circles

Crop Circle Farms – Remote Farming

Remote farming can be defined as a food production system that requires little oversight and maintenance with each growing cycle. Crop Circle Farms are equipped with wireless electronic devices that monitor water use and plant growth. These devises allow for several CEA Crop Circle Farms to be remotely monitored and controlled from a computer connected to the Internet anywhere in the world. Crop Circle Farms use a “plant-and-forget” crop maintenance strategy, which significantly reduces labor costs of day-to-day operations.

Low-Cost Farming

Agricultural production costs have double since 2020 and are expected to rise further throughout the decade – this is devastating news for tractor tilled agriculture and hydroponics, which depends heavily on imported granular and solution-based fertilizers. Crop Circle Farms require just a 5% application of fertilizer per acre and because of this can make fertilizer on site from readily available locally sourced animal and plant materials. A one-time capital cost installs the farm and minimal maintenance costs depreciate to zero after 20 years.

Land Use, Small Space, Low Impact Agriculture

Over the last half century, large, industrialized agriculture has become the backbone of the world food supply system and is vulnerable to disruptions due to changing weather patterns, dwindling water supplies, broken supply chains and the fluctuating price of oil, which governs the cost of fertilizers and transportation.

Forgotten and overlooked, small parcels of land can be used to produce large quantities of food, particularly in cities and on islands where arable farmland is virtually non-existent. Small space, low impact agriculture could produce 30% of the world’s food if a low-cost, high-production Crop Circle Farm system was adopted. A quarter acre Crop Circle Farm typically matches or exceeds the production of a common farm rowed acre, which makes this system ideal for small space, low impact farming.

Minimalist Approach To Saving Water

Essential resources for farming listed in order of importance are climate, water, season, soil, and fertilizer. Climate affects production in zones that vary from sub-artic to tropical and everything in between. A changing climate regardless of zone makes it difficult for plants to adapt. It’s a fact the USDA Growing Zone Map has shifted a full zone north during the last 10 years.

A changing climate also affects accessible and dependable water supplies. Almost half the world is affected by drought making conventional food production an impossibility due to the need for enormous amounts of water that is simply not available. Half the world’s aquifers are gone and half of what’s left are severely depleted. Ground source water is disappearing faster than it can be used in many parts of the word.

Adopting water saving Crop Circle Agriculture technology would stop the drain on our aquifers and create options for urban food production right where most of the world’s population live, lessening dependence on trucked in food from wherever and reducing the carbon footprint of millions of people.

crop circle farm growing corn

Crop Circle Farms – Growing Plants In Circles

Crop Circle Farms is changing the shape of agriculture by utilizing circle, concentric circle, Archimedean, and Fibonacci geometric designs to grow plants. These designs maximize sun penetration for optimal flowering and fruit set. Crop Circle Farms provides for convenient walk in/drive in access to plants. Paths between circles and spirals provide room for plants to grow and provide easy access for planting and a quick harvest. Crop Circles produce twice the plant matter and on average 4-times the yield of open field and hydroponic farm operations.

Crop Circle Farms Accelerate Plant Growth Video

Join Us

Join us in collaboration with our partner Growing To Give, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Washington. Together, we build Crop Circle Farms to free people from hunger across the country and around the world. You can help with funding, provide land, or suggest a Crop Circle Farm project to help people in need.

Partner With Us

Crop Circle Farms is seeking to expand our product portfolio in all areas of agriculture. Our business activities focus on application and implementation of our proprietary Crop Circle Farm products globally. We are particularly interested in partners seeking business opportunities in isolated community agriculture and urbanized farming. Crop Circle Farms are entirely scalable; from a square foot to several acres, able to grow tailored amounts of food for a specific land size, climate, and end use.

Contact Us About Licensing Crop Circle Farm Technology.

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