Crop Circle Fertilizer, Grow Bigger, Better Plants

Modern farming methods have stripped nutrients from the soil. More than 90% of the vegetables we eat are significantly deficient in important vitamins and minerals; no matter how freshly picked they are, and it gets worse. Once harvested, vegetables steadily lose what nutrient they have by the hour. After a week they retain just 10% of their nutrition at best. Feeding the soil with natural fertilizers helps but most fertilizer and compost mixes lack mineral trace elements, which give vegetables their great taste.

grow bigger better plants

Grow Bigger Better Plants With Crop Circle Fertilizer

Crop Circle Fertilizer ® contains important fertilizing compounds including 18 essential minerals:

  • Calcium is not only needed to build strong cell walls to keep the plant upright, but it provides transport for other minerals. It may also counteract alkali salts and organic acids. When you add calcium to the soil, it’s like giving your garden a vitamin pill.
  • Boron is an essential plant micronutrient and is critical for high yields and quality. The level of crispness of a vegetable can be directly linked to the amount of Boron in the soil.
  • Carbon is the basis of soil fertility. It releases nutrients for plant growth, promotes the structure, biological and physical health of soil, and is a buffer against harmful substances. Adding carbon to soil has two benefits – as well as helping to mitigate climate change, it improves soil health and fertility.
  • Trace amounts of Chromium improves seed germination, plant growth, photosynthesis and the uptake other types of plant nutrient.
  • The role of Iron in plants is as basic as it can get without iron a plant can’t produce chlorophyll, can’t get oxygen and won’t be green. So, what is iron? The function of iron is to act much like it does in a human bloodstream — helping to carry important elements through a plant’s circulatory system.
  • Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis in plants. Without magnesium, chlorophyll cannot capture sun energy needed for photosynthesis.
  • Manganese is another important micronutrient needed by plants for normal and healthy growth. Manganese deficiency in the soil results in poor plant growth and lower yield.
  • One of three major ingredients included in general fertilizers, Phosphorus is essential for seed formation and important for flowering and root growth.
  • Potassium is an essential plant nutrient and is required in large amounts for proper growth and reproduction of plants. Potassium is considered second only to nitrogen, when it comes to nutrients needed by plants, and is commonly considered as the “quality produce nutrient” because it has a direct effect on leaf and fruit shape, size, color and taste.
  • Silicon plays an important role in plant growth. Silica build stronger cell walls that form bigger, stronger plant stems. Silicon also increases a plants resistance to environmental stress caused by fluctuations in temperature and drought. Silicon accumulates in the epidermal cell walls of leaves, making it harder for biting and sucking bugs to damage the plant. Deposits of silicic acid within the cells act as an additional barrier to sap sucking insects.
  • Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plant growth. In recent years, sulfur deficiencies have become more frequent and the importance of sulfur in crop production is becoming more and more recognized. Most of the sulfur absorbed by plants, about 90%, is used in building proteins. Sulfur is also essential for the uptake of Nitrogen in plants.
  • Titanium boosts the uptake of macro and micronutrients and enzymatic activity in plants thereby significantly increasing yield. Titanium also assists plant germination, root formation, vegetative growth, maturation as well as providing resistance to common pests and diseases.
  • A rare earth magnet, Neodymium creates an infinitely small but measurable magnetic field in soil, which stimulates seed germination, root development and plant growth.
  • Plants that are able to uptake Selenium from the soil and store it in consumable plant tissue can be a great benefit to human health. Selenium has been shown to fight inflammation, improve the immune system and lower blood pressure.
  • Silver is often used to “feminize seed” to grow a balanced male/female crop to maximize yields. In trace amounts, Silver helps the “feminine seed” scattered with male seed to grow into a strong pollinating plant.
  • Plants require a minimum amount of Molybdenum to help with nitrogen and potassium assimilation, which is particularly essential for beans plants to affix nitrogen nodules to their roots; important if you are going to plant a follow crop.
  • Like Molybdenum, Nickel is also used as a catalyst in enzymes used to help legumes fix nitrogen.
  • A trace amount of Zinc is needed for the creation plant growth hormones, chlorophyll and green cytochrome pigments. Zinc also has a role in formation of enzymes and carbohydrates, regulation of starches and proper root development. Zinc also helps plants assimilate to cold temperatures in cooler climates.
grow bigger better plants with crop circle fertilizer

Fertilizing Plants

Farmers have two options for fertilizing plants: natural and artificial. Both can be applied as a granulated solid or dissolved liquid. Man-made fertilizers are generally recognized as bad for the environment killing both above and below ground life from repeated applications, which over time create almost irrecoverable open field “dead” zones. They also leach into the water supply gradually reducing “fresh water” viability. In the ocean, man-made fertilizers are slowly killing coral reefs in the Caribbean and elsewhere in the world.

A significant feature of a Crop Circle farm is its use of very little fertilizer, which given the current lack of supply and increased cost of artificial fertilizers point to the practical use of locally sourced natural fertilizers, which do not pollute the environment.

As an additive, Crop Circle Fertilizer ® is best utilized mixed into a composted mix of aged animal manure and plant matter. It provides trace amounts of minerals essential for optimum plant health and great tasting vegetables.

Topical Applications

Alternatively, Crop Circle Fertilizer can used to make as a Compost Tea.

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